Posts in: Media Tips

Media Tips
How to Make a Personal Media Kit for Your Scientific Work — and Why You Need One
When it comes to science communication, don’t underestimate the power of capturing photos, video and audio of yourself and your research in action. Even short clips — high-quality and planned in advance — can have a big impact down the road. The uses are numerous: social media, presentations, grant reporting, perhaps even media coverage or a documentary about...

Conference Tips
Getting Out There: Connecting with Journalists at Scientific Conferences
Have you ever found yourself at a conference, and noticed that the person sitting next to you in a session or waiting in line behind you at the coffee station had “PRESS” on their name tag? Next time you do, introduce yourself! It’s a pleasant change for journalists to have scientists actually approach them. Even if it doesn’t necessarily lead to coverage o...

Media Tips
Op-Ed Writing: It's OK to Argue for something
Expressing perspectives, opinions or even recommendations about the implications of your science can be a bit uncomfortable, even scary. But if you want your science to be relevant and useful, you need to make sure it gets out of pages of peer-reviewed journals and into real-world discussions. Connecting with policymakers and having an ask is one way to do this. ...

Media Tips
Maximizing Moritz Et Al: On Publication and Promotion
By Liz Neeley
Published November 13, 2014
Title: Maximizing Moritz Et Al: On Publication & Promotion
Categories: Interviews, Media, Science
Tags: coaching, context, fire, framing, journalists, Message Box, navigating, press release, relevance, story, writing
Max Moritz is the lead author on the invited review Learning to Coexist with Wildfire, published last Thur...

Media Tips
Scientists and the Changing Media Landscape, Part 2
In order to bridge dissimilar cultures and have effective dialogue, you have to know who you’re talking to. At COMPASS, we often talk about the similarities between scientists and journalists – for example, they share a love for discovery, healthy skepticism, analytical minds, and competitive natures – in order for them to meet on common ground before explain...

Media Tips
Scientists and the Changing Media Landscape, Part 1
Lately, we’ve heard a lot about why scientists find it challenging to connect their science to broader dialogues. But influences external to academic culture may be contributing in equal measure to this frustration. Sweeping changes in the field of science journalism – the medium through which science has traditionally been shared with the broader public – ar...